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Annai Ashram

Primary School

Since 1922

Getting permanent Recognition even from 1922, this unit had the strength of 166 students in the year 2019-2020.  All the students hail from the families of below poverty line.


This school has one Head-Mistress and 6 other teachers. Of these 100 children are given morning meal and 150 are fed under Mid-day Meal Scheme of the State Government.

Started in 1984 this High School began with the Pension benefit of the Founder and donations made by a few well-wishers.  It became Higher Secondary in 1991.


Government pay is received only by the teachers of the High School.  The Higher Secondary is self financing and this is supported by the Management

Annai Hr.Sec.School

Since 1984

Annai Ashram Children’s Home

Since 1976

Began in 1976, this Section admits children of 6-18 age group.  These candidates would be either total orphans or semi orphans. The only aim of this is to impart education, good manners and to offer them all-round training.

This vocational section is functioning for the past 42 years under the guidance of a well-trained sewing mistress.  Students who get trained for 6 months are given a certificate by the Sangam

Tailoring Unit

Since 1979

Working Women’s Hostel

Accommodation here is sought by women working in and around Annai Ashram and come to stay here for their safety

Initiated in 1991, aged women above 60 are admitted in this Home.  Even grannies above 90 are living comfortably here.  Those who fall sick are kept in a separate room and all their needs are fulfilled. At present 41 aged women are staying here.  


If anyone dies, their relatives are informed and if no one turns up to do their last rituals, the Sangam does that also according to the caste to which the demised person belongs. The Sangam feels proud for many of the grannies do come forward to donate their eyes or other organs on their death

Dr.Kamalamma Balakrishnan Old Age Home

Since 1991

Dr.Kamalamma Balakrishnan Old Age Home Food M

food menu.PNG

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